The Group
Les Films Jack Fébus
Creation & imagination
Les Films Jack Fébus have been producing works related to culture and original creation for almost 30 years. In each program we seek to tell a story, through fiction, animation, documentary, magazines or live performance. The strength of our projects is based on our teams' conviction and a total commitment to serving imagination. Our career is built on our 'coups de cœur', the confidence given to the talents we support and the insatiable quest for unbridled creativity. Our project for the next few years : Share dreams and amaze you.
Data sheet

Date de création : 1992
Adresse : 22 rue Marcelin Berthelot - 33700 MERIGNAC
Tel : (+33) 5 56 904 904
Mail : %69%6e%66%6f%40%65%63%72%61%6e%73%64%75%6d%6f%6e%64%65%2e%63%6f%6d
Dirigeant : Laurent Lesperon
Forme juridique : SAS
Siret : 388 973 208 000 43