Grand Angle Productions

Shadow saboteurs

June 1943, Resistant France is in turmoil : the disappearance of its two leaders, Jean Moulin and Charles Delestraint.

November 16, 1943, Claude Bonnier and Jacques Nancy, land in Charente, coming from London. Their mission, ordered by General de Gaulle: to train, structure, arm and finance the Resistance of Region B (Aquitaine-Poitou-Charentes and Limousin). In 3 months, Bonnier and Nancy formed 70 groups of resistant saboteurs.

February 9, 1944, Claude Bonnier betrayed, is arrested rue de Galard in Bordeaux. Imprisoned in the jails of the Gestapo in Bouscat, he commits suicide by swallowing his cyanide pill. Jacques Nancy then went into deep hiding and created his own maquis, the Special Sabotage Section (SSS), in order to continue his mission entrusted by London. For several months, Jacques Nancy and his men will work throughout Region B and particularly in Aquitaine.


Data sheet

Poster of Shadow saboteurs

Director : Marie Nancy

Producer : Guillaume Pérès

Co-producers : Grand Angle Productions et France Télévisions

Country of production : France

Year : 2014

Format : HD

Duration : 52'